CDR Arrangement Revocation API

When a customer revoke granted consents there should be a mechanism to inform relevant parties that the particular CDR Arrangement ID is not valid anymore. The Data Recipients use the CDR Arrangement Management API, which facilitates this requirement. If this communication does not take place, the Data Holder will continue to expose the customer's data and the Data Recipient will continue to have the customer's data within their system. Therefore, it is important to communicate the revocation to both parties to protect customer data and prevent misuse.

As per the CDS specification, if a consent is withdrawn by a customer via the Data Holder’s Consent Dashboard, the Data Holders must notify the Data Recipient of this revocation of the sharing arrangement. This is done by invoking the Data Recipient's CDR Arrangement Revocation endpoint with a valid CDR Arrangement ID.

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The Data Recipients must expose their CDR Arrangement Revocation endpoint under the recipient_base_uri claim in their SSA.

"iss": "cdr-register",
"iat": 1571808167,
"exp": 2147483646,
"jti": "3bc205a1ebc943fbb624b14fcb241196",
"legal_entity_id": "3B0B0A7B-3E7B-4A2C-9497-E357A71D07C7",
"legal_entity_name": "Mock Company Pty Ltd.",
"org_id": "3B0B0A7B-3E7B-4A2C-9497-E357A71D07C8",
"org_name": "Mock Company Brand",
"client_name": "Mock Software",
"client_description": "A mock software product for testing SSA",
"client_uri": "",
"redirect_uris": [
"sector_identifier_uri": "",
"logo_uri": "",
"tos_uri": "",
"policy_uri": "",
"jwks_uri": "",
"revocation_uri": "",
"recipient_base_uri": "",
"software_id": "740C368F-ECF9-4D29-A2EA-0514A66B0CDE",
"software_roles": "data-recipient-software-product",
"scope": "openid profile bank:accounts.basic:read bank:accounts.detail:read bank:transactions:read bank:payees:read bank:regular_payments:read common:customer.basic:read common:customer.detail:read cdr:registration"

The Data Recipient's CDR Arrangement Revocation endpoint is <recipient_base_uri>/arrangements/revoke. For example,

  • This needs to be done before enabling this feature, using a DCR PUT request and if the Data Recipients modify this endpoint, they should update their client registrations with each Data Holder as well.

When a customer revokes a granted consent there should be a mechanism to inform relevant parties that the particular CDR Arrangement ID is not valid anymore. The Data Recipients use the CDR Arrangement Management API, which facilitates this requirement. If this communication does not take place, the Data Holder will continue to expose the customer's data and the Data Recipient will continue to have the customer's data within their system. Therefore, it is important to communicate the revocation to both parties to protect customer data and prevent misuse. For more information, see Arrangement Revocation API Flow.

Revoke a Sharing Arrangement

This endpoint is to revoke a sharing arrangement (consent) between the Data Holder and the Data Recipient. This endpoint must be implemented by both Data Holders and Data Recipients and notify each other when a CDR Arrangement ID is revoked.
